English Language Skills for Islamic Economic Students: Expectation versus Reality

Suwandi Suwandi


This study focuses on the English language instruction provided to students majoring in Islamic Economics, aiming to equip them with the necessary skills for successful engagement both in the classroom and the workplace. The research conducted for this purpose had a dual objective: firstly, to investigate the perspectives of both students and lecturers on the types of English language skills required for an Islamic Economics major, and secondly, to assess the relevance of the current English for Specific Purposes (ESP) course in meeting the students' actual needs. The participants in this qualitative descriptive study included three lecturers and 219 students enrolled in the third and fifth semesters of the Islamic Economics Study Program at a State Islamic University in Indonesia. The study employed qualitative research methods, utilizing two data collection methods: an online survey addressing student demographics and perceived language skill needs, and interviews with participating lecturers. The findings reveal disparities between the perceptions of instructors and students regarding essential linguistic abilities. While the majority of students prioritize speaking and writing, instructors emphasize reading and proper grammar. The study recommends a redesign of the existing ESP syllabus to better align with the identified needs of the students.


English for Specific Purposes, Islamic economics, ESP syllabus, students’ needs

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17951/nh.2023.8.73-90
Date of publication: 2023-12-23 00:15:56
Date of submission: 2023-05-09 06:18:19


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