Neuromyths among Polish Teachers – Research Results and Practical Implications

Małgorzata Chojak, Ela Luria, Maya Shalom


The article presents the results of research conducted among Polish teachers. Their aim was to check the prevalence of neuromyths in schools and kindergartens, and to identify predictors of both belief in neuromyths and the level of knowledge about the structure and functioning of the brain. The obtained results partially confirmed the reports from international studies. Neuromyths turned out to be very popular among Polish teachers, even despite the high level of basic knowledge in the field of neurobiology. The research also revealed a number of factors that determine the level of the above-mentioned knowledge. The influence of age, gender, seniority, workplace, interest in training in neuroeducation, earlier access to knowledge in the field of neurobiology or the use of neuromyths-based work methods in educational practice has not been confirmed.


neuromyth; teacher; brain; neurofact; education

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Date of publication: 2021-11-15 21:31:48
Date of submission: 2021-04-24 20:50:30


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