The Experiences of Parents and Children During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Tiziana Schirone, Isabella Quadrelli


The study, which included a total of 1,122 Italian parents (96.5% female; 3.5% male) of children with an average age of 7.56 years (N = 1,461, SD = 2.03), explores how parents with children (5–11 years old) represent changes in their daily habits as well as their own and children’s experiences in relation to the impact caused by the health emergency. The study also investigates how work, family life, contextual factors and media exposure associated with information regarding COVID-19 have contributed to influencing emotional states and behavioural patterns. The research programme was carried out by an online questionnaire in June 2020. The pandemic was experienced in a variety of ways across four clusters. The highest levels of discomfort can be observed among those parents who have experienced isolation and the fear of contagion with higher levels of anxiety, which have been intensified by the perception of change and the deterioration in working conditions. Parents with higher emotional instability have found a low emotional stability and high depressive tones in their children. Results suggest that the capacity of parents to process and mentalise emotions by facing the difficulties and stress caused by the situation can act as a protective factor in contrasting any emotional instability in children.


COVID-19; risk factors; parents’ emotional stability; children’s emotional stability; relational conflicts

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Date of publication: 2022-11-04 07:44:19
Date of submission: 2022-01-01 12:53:28


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