Varied Dimensions of Educational Change – Examples from Finland and Poland

Arleta Suwalska


The article begins with a review of literature on particular reasons for implementing educational change. The subsequent part analyses the causes of educational stability in Finland. The next part of the paper refers to the features characterizing the prestige of Finnish teachers and their professional stability in society. Finally, the third part stipulates the reasons for the instability of Polish educational transformation since 2017. It scrutinises politically-driven educational changes, the sources roots of teachers’ lack of prestige and stability in Polish society. The documents concerning the subject of the analyses were studied by means of a problem method, taking into account factors related to time and the influence of society.


educational change; instability of Polish educational change; teachers’ prestige in Poland; educational stability in Finland

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Date of publication: 2023-11-23 17:05:14
Date of submission: 2023-03-31 10:54:45


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