Can You Hear Me Now? The Potential of Trauma-Informed and Resilience-Oriented Music Therapy in the Context of Foster Care

Ludwika Konieczna-Nowak


The main reasons for placing a child in foster care system in Poland is neglect and abuse, experienced in their family environments. These conditions might result in trauma, which strongly influences functioning of these young people. Currently, concepts like trauma-informed and resilience-oriented practice receive more and more attention both in the practitioners and researchers, in search of the framework of care-services and therapies. The current paper explores these approaches and connects them to music therapy. It provides with rationale on potential of this form of therapy in the context of work within foster care system with young people. The case vignettes illustrate the theoretical considerations.


trauma-informed approach; resilience; music therapy; foster care

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Date of publication: 2023-11-23 17:05:32
Date of submission: 2023-05-03 17:22:31


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