Influence of grazing technologies on the indices of chestnut soils in Western Kazakhstan

Beybit Nasiyev, Askhat Bekkaliyev, Ivan Manolov, Vladimir Shibaikin


Degradation of pastures caused by anthropogenic and climatic factors leads to desertification, loss of soil fertility, reduces productivity of the pasture grass and it is a prerequisite for socio-economic problems. Pastures of Western Kazakhstan cover more than 70% of the lands under economic use and are the main fodder source for the farm animals. In the late years, degradation of pastures in Western Kazakhstan takes place due to intensive animal grazing. The aim of research is to study the impact of technology for grazing the farm animals on the pastures soil cover to prevent the processes of degradation and desertification, as well as the rational use of pasture ecosystems. Through these studies, experimental data were obtained on the current state of the pastures soil cover in Western Kazakhstan with different types of chestnut soils depending on the grazing technology. An excess intensive grazing of the farm animals has negative influence on physical and chemical factors of the chestnut soil types.


chestnut soils, indices, degradation, grazing, technologies

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Date of publication: 2020-06-22 04:38:10
Date of submission: 2019-12-05 07:59:44


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