Content of Selected Macro- and Microelements in Surface Formations of Organic Soils in NE Poland

Mirosław Orzechowski, Sławomir Smólczyński


The research was carried out in the morainic areas and in river valleys in NE Poland, where seven sites located in the macroregion of Masurian Lakeland were selected. Thirteen soil profiles representing the following organic soils were studied: earth-covered murshic soils (OMnm), murshic peat soils (OTmu), hemic murshic soils (OMhe) and sapric murshic soils (OMsa). The aim of the research was to investigate the content of selected macro- and microelements in surface formations of organic soils and to determine the influence of sedimentation processes on their spatial distribution. In terms of quantity, the analyzed macro- and microelements can be arranged as follows: Ca > Al > Fe > K > Mg > Na > P > Mn > Zn > Pb > Cr > Ni > Cu > Co. Organic soils situated in the depressions had various degrees of silting with mineral sediments from the nearby areas. Along with erosive waters, deluvial material rich in minerals was flowing along the morainic slopes. Therefore, mineral-organic formations (AO) located in the ecotone zone between mineral and organic soils had the highest content of total Mg – 4.85 g kg-1, K – 5.94 g kg-1, Al – 24.87 g kg-1, Fe – 17.77 g kg-1, Zn – 0.066 g kg-1, Cr – 0.046 g kg-1, Ni – 0.025 g kg-1, Pb – 0.060 g kg-1. The highest content of total calcium, manganese, iron, copper and cobalt was found in mineral-organic formations (AO) and strongly silted murshes (Mtsz). The contents of calcium and sodium were significantly positively and the contents of other macro- and microelements were significantly negatively correlated with the amount of organic matter, organic carbon and total nitrogen.


macro- and microelements, organic soils, mursh, siltation

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Date of publication: 2021-12-27 17:40:54
Date of submission: 2021-03-02 11:54:34


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