Application Technique and Dosage of Halotolerant Nitrogen Biofertilizer for Increasing Soil Total N, N Uptake, Chlorophyll Content, Photosynthate Accumulation and Growth of Rice Plants in Saline Ecosystem

Mieke Rochimi Setiawati, Fiqriah Hanum Khumairah, Betty Natalie Fitriatin, Tualar Simarmata


Utilization of halotolerant nitrogen biofertilizer can increase N uptake and promote growth and yield of rice plants in saline ecosystem. Halotolerant nitrogen biofertilizer can be applied to seed and seedling in certain dosage. The aim of this study was to obtain the application technique and dosage that can increase N uptake and promote growth and yield of rice plants in saline ecosystem. The research was conducted in the greenhouse in Kawarang District (Indonesia) from September until November 2020. There was used randomized block design which consisted of two factors with three replications. The first factor was application techniques, i.e. seed treatment, nursery treatment, and seed + nursery treatment. The second factor was dosage of halotolerant nitrogen biofertilizer, i.e. 0, 500, 1,000, 1,500 and 2,000 g ha-1. The results showed that halotolerant nitrogen biofertilizer applied in seed and nursery treatment can increase N uptake and plant height by 3.95 g plant-1 and 34.50 cm, respectively. Dosage of 1,500 g ha-1 can increase the total N of soil (0.26%), chlorophyll content (46.97 SPAD), photosynthate accumulation (3.33 g), and rice yield (13.40 t/ha). Application of halotolerant nitrogen biofertilizer in seed and nursery technique at a dosage of 1,500 g ha-1 can be further recommendation in rice cultivation on saline ecosystems.


dosage, halotolerant nitrogen biofertilizer, nitrogen, saline ecosystem, technique

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Date of publication: 2022-12-29 11:25:05
Date of submission: 2021-04-22 06:57:49


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