Characterization and Bioassay of Rhizophosphate Bacteria Producing Phytohormone and Organic Acid to Enhance the Maize Seedling Growth

Betty Natalie Fitriatin et al.


Rhizophosphate bacteria as biofertilizers is a low-cost and environment-friendly fertilizer for improving the nutrients status and fertilizers’ efficiency on degraded agricultural or marginal soils. In this study, the characteristic and performance of selected rhizophosphate bacteria producing phytohormone and organic acid producers was investigated. Soils samples for beneficial rhizobacteria were taken from five maize (Zea mays L.) production area and forest ecosystems in Garut District, West Java Province, Indonesia. The rhizophosphate bacteria were isolated and grown in Pikovskaya medium. Bacterial colonies surrounded by clear zone were isolated and subjected to phosphate solubility and phosphatase activity test followed by bioassay. Based on the phosphatase activity, lactic acid production and indole acetic acid (IAA) production were obtained from three isolates of rhizophosphate. The isolates were identified as Bulkholderia vietnamiensis, Enterobacter ludwigii, and Citrobacter amalonaticus the best of which showed high phosphatase content and production of lactic acid, dissolved P and IAA.


biofertlizer, superior strain, phosphatase

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Date of publication: 2022-12-29 11:25:06
Date of submission: 2021-04-30 02:47:55


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