Imbalanced Nutrient Accumulation in the Coastal Soils Induced by Salinity Intrusion

Ferdouse Zaman Tanu et al.


Salinity intrusion worldwide is a problem of consideration for the global food production and ensuring food security. In this investigation, we focused to find out the key chemical elements for this salinity problem. In this paper, the authors reported the high accumulation of sodium (Na+) and increased EC (6.9 dS/m) values than that of the previous year (4.67 dS/m). We found the highest EC, Na+, and ESP of 6.9 ds/m, 2.6 meq/100 g of soil, and 19.1%, respectively at Dumki, Potuakhali. The highest increase of exchangeable Na+ was found in Tojumuddin, Bhola. The result is 55% more when compared to the previous investigated result. Contrary to the Na+ increase, we found an 84-91% decrease of the organic matter (OM) in the investigated samples. The excessive increase of exchangeable Na+ and decrease of OM in this investigation indicate the salinity intrusion and low nutrient content in the coastal soils of Bangladesh. 


nutrient imbalance; sodium accumulation; salinity intrusion; coastal soils

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Date of publication: 2022-06-27 10:25:05
Date of submission: 2021-08-19 20:00:58


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