Andrzej Plak, Piotr Bartmiński, Ryszard Dębicki, Małgorzata Bis


The aim of this study has been to determine the level of contamination of the soils and grass swards abutting the selected busiest traffic routes of Lublin City with heavy metals: Cu, Cd, Cr, Pb, Zn. 36 surface soil samples (0–20 cm) and grass swards (roots and above ground parts) were collected. The goal of the research has been to assess the impact of road traffic on the content of heavy metals and to determine indicators of migration between the soil and the plant based on the enrichment factor. The examined soils were characterized by a high content of heavy metals, on average: Cu 80.14 mg kg-1, Cd 0.97 mg kg-1, Cr 12.80 mg kg-1, Pb 56.89 mg kg-1, Zn 87.31 mg kg-1. Grass swards in the immediate vicinity of the examined roads had the following average content of heavy metals: Cu 46.91 mg kg-1, Cd 1.41 mg kg-1, Cr 16.36 mg kg-1, Pb 15.05 mg kg-1, Zn 129.01 mg kg-1. The accumulation of heavy metals in the experimental soils and plants was varied. The impact of the content of heavy metals designated in the soils on their concentration in the grass swards collected from the busiest traffic routes in Lublin were considered to be significant.

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Date of publication: 2016-04-05 12:07:13
Date of submission: 2016-04-05 11:57:02


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Copyright (c) 2016 Andrzej Plak, Piotr Bartmiński, Ryszard Dębicki, Małgorzata Bis

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