Nomadic Transformation of Mountain-Meadow Brown Soils (Dystric Cambisols) of the Svydovets Array of the Ukrainian Carpathians

Andrii Barannyk, Stepan Pozniak


In the highlands of the Ukrainian Carpathians, brown soil formation process is supplemented by turf, which significantly affects the soil properties and composition formation – this way unique shallow, rubble, highly acidic, base unsaturated, mountain-meadow brown soils with high Corg content (Dystric Cambisols) are formed. Irrational and haphazard farming in the valleys leads to the soil degradation and formation of specific anthropogenically altered mountain-meadow brown soil. To study the features of mountain-meadow brown soil formation and to analyze changes in properties, as a result of economic activity, we conducted detailed soil-geographic research within the valleys of the Svydovets array. Research has established that anthropogenically altered mountain-meadow brown soils are characterized by lower Corg rates, higher acidic reaction of the soil solution, high hydrolytic acidity and the dominance of exchange calcium in the absorbing soil complex, different qualitative humus composition – humate-fulvate. As a result of anthropogenic soil transformation, composition indicators underwent distinct changes – soil of the genetic horizons with a decrease in the total porosity; structure of the humus-accumulative horizon of virgin soil has undergone transformation and is characterized as prismoidal.


nomadic transformation, mountain-meadow brown soils (Dystric Cambisols), Svydovets array, Ukrainian Carpathians

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Date of publication: 2017-06-08 00:00:00
Date of submission: 2017-06-09 11:39:50


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