On the Concept of a Concept and the Use of the Name “Concept” in Legal Literature

Zbigniew Romuald Kmiecik


The article deals with the history of the perception of the essence of the concept from antiquity to modern times and the mutual relationship between the concept and the name as two vertices of the so-called “semantic triangle”. The pretext to discuss these issues is quite common in legal literature treating a concept as a synonym for a name and even using the terms “concept” and “name” interchangeably. The author investigates the origins of such erroneous practice, presents its most common manifestations and tips on how to avoid this type of logical and semantic errors. The research methodology includes analysis of philosophical ideas, ordinary language philosophy and thought experiments.


concept; name; language; semantics of logic

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17951/ppa.2024.7.107-127
Date of publication: 2024-08-30 14:37:14
Date of submission: 2024-04-27 19:20:06


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