The Legal Basis For Control in the Sphere of Use And Protection of the Animal World in Ukraine

Svitlana Marchenko


The article is devoted to the legal bases for control in the sphere of use, reproduction
and protection of the animal world. legislative support of environmental control in the fild of use, reproduction and protection of wildlife was considered. Th system and powers of state authorities and bodies of local self-government concerning the implementation of the control function in the field of use, reproduction and protection of the animal world were investigated. On the basis of the analysis of legal literature and legislation of Ukraine, the peculiarities of legal regulation of control in the fild of use, reproduction and protection of wildlife were singled out, the classifiation of environmental control in the sphere of use, reproduction and protection of the animal world by subjects of its implementation and the areas of the use of animal objects has been made. Particular attention was paid to the implementation of control in the field of fisheries as one of the types of agricultural production. It was concluded that control in the sphere of use, reproduction and protection of wildlife is one of the most important functions of the state in ensuring the right to an environment that is safe for life and health and compensation for damage caused by violation of this right, stipulated in Art. 50 of the constitution of Ukraine. Proper regulation of control activities in the fild of use, reproduction and protection of wildlife can become a guarantee of observance of the norms of the current legislation, and substantially balance the relationship between the subject and the object of control.


wildlife; fishing; ecological control; state control; public control; faunal legislation

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Date of publication: 2019-07-02 09:16:41
Date of submission: 2018-12-12 23:40:24


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