Are We Really Dealing with New Control Powers of Local Councilors?

Anna Wąsowska


On 11 January 2018, the Act on amending certain acts in order to increase the participation of citizens in the process of selecting, functioning and control of certain public authorities was passed. The legislator decided that the new legal regulations in the local government system laws were to lead to an increase in the participation of citizens in the process of control and functioning of public authorities, thus, also of local government authorities. In addition, it was to contribute to an increase in the role of local communities in the process of electing bodies coming from general elections, as well as in the control of this process and the bodies responsible for the preparation and holding of elections. Among the “new” legal solutions that have come into force in the current term of the local government authorities (2018–2023), one should distinguish those thanks to which the scope of control powers of local councillors has been extended. These include, first of all, the right to obtain information and materials, access to the premises where these information and materials are located, and access to the activities of the local government office, as well as companies with the participation of local government units, commercial companies with the participation of local government legal entities, legal persons, as well as establishments, enterprises and other local government organizational units, in compliance with the provisions on legally protected secrecy, secondly, the right to address interpellations and inquiries to the village mayor (mayor, city president), starost or voivodeship marshal, thirdly, the obligation to establish a complaint committee, motions and petitions in order to consider complaints about the activities of the executive body and local government organizational units, as well as motions and petitions submitted by citizens.


local government; public authorities; inspecting authority; councillor; control

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Date of publication: 2021-09-05 23:24:22
Date of submission: 2020-11-26 22:38:21


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