Not Just Aid and Words of Support. On the Against Martial Law in Poland – for Solidarity Art Auction

Justyna Balisz-Schmelz


The objective of the paper is to reconstruct the genesis, ideological background, course as well as effects of the auction Against Martial Law in Poland for Solidarity [Gegen das Kriegsrecht in Polen für Solidarność]. This auction of works of art by then contemporary German artists took place on 13 November 1982 at the Kunstpalast in Düsseldorf. On the basis of an analysis of hitherto unpublished archival materials and press reports, I argue that this auction – against the background of other West-German pro-Solidarity initiatives – might be distinguished by its excellent organisation, precisely defined goals and considerable financial and, last but not least, media success. Under the aegis of a West German public institution, it was possible to consolidate both Polish and German societal and art- circles, and contemporary art became an effective vehicle that helped increase German interest in the idea of Solidarity.


art auction; Solidarity; martial law; Düsseldorf; German art; Polish-German relations

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Date of publication: 2021-12-28 16:34:29
Date of submission: 2020-03-11 18:51:40


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