Invectives and Lampoons Against Caesar

Hanna Appel


The author once again refers to a 1935 book by a Lublin-based scholar M. Popławski (Political Opinion Journalism in the Age of Caesar and Augustus). This time, she deals with invectives and lampoons against Caesar. She discusses the rumour of the Bithynian episode and the figures of various authors of caustic but popular texts on Caesar, among these Calvus, Bibulus or Curio. She also presents the background of the mimographer Laberius’ performances, as well as anti-Caesarean activities of Caecina. The author focuses primarily on those details concerning the figures analysed (or their work) which, over years, have lost some of their validity, or she supplements them with information not found in Popławski’s work.


Gaius Iulius Caesar; invectives; Licinius Calvus; Nicomedes III; Laberius; Furius Bibaculus; Marcus Calpurnius Bibulus; Scribonii Curiones; Aulus Caecina

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Date of publication: 2021-12-28 16:33:48
Date of submission: 2020-10-01 08:49:30


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