The battle of Chlumec and its political implications for the relations between Lothair III and prince Sobieslav I

Joanna Sobiesiak


In the year 1126 in Bohemia, near Chlumec, a battle took place between the army of the German king Lothair III and army of the Czech prince Sobieslav I. The main aim for the German king was to enthrone of Otto“the Black” of Moravia in Prague. The winner from Chlumec, Prince Sobieslav, did not take advantage of the achieved victory but he submitted himself to the defeated Lothair and took from him the Czech throne in fief. Otto“the Black” of Moravia died on the battlefield. In this text we want to examine how, in the context of the internal, including dynastic, and international affairs conducted by Sobieslav, the war with the German ruler should be perceived and how particularly the resignation of the Czech prince from crushing the surrounded and bloodless enemy should be seen. The reason for the conflict between Lothair III and Sobieslav was a certain temporary conjunction of political circumstances associated with the turmoil around the enthronement in
Prague in 12th century, and with the situation of Lothair in the Reich.


Sobieslav I; Chlumec; Přemyslids; Bohemia 12th century; Otto the Black of Moravia, Lothair III.

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Date of publication: 2015-07-21 11:22:34
Date of submission: 2015-07-17 09:24:09


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