„Worthless and in Fact Harmful” – Censorship in Poland in 1951 on Two English Writers: Graham Greene and Gilbert Chesterton

Gabriela Gajda


Censorship in Poland during the Stalinist Era was one of the most important organs of power which made it possible to influence the worldview of citizens. As a propaganda tool, it decided what to convey to the recipients and in what interpretation. The aim of the article is to present how the works of two English authors were assessed by the employees of the censorship office. The accusations and the interpretations of the novel made by the censors help to understand how the West was perceived in the country of people’s democracy and how capitalist countries were wanted to be presented to readers.


censorship; English literature; ideology; Marxism

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17951/rh.2023.56.843-870
Date of publication: 2023-12-21 13:04:51
Date of submission: 2023-08-01 11:30:29


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