Vlachs in the Lowland Areas: between the Bükk Mountains and the Tisza River in the 15th century

Jarosław Buniowski


Although mountains and submontane areas were the main territories of developmentfor the Wallachian colonization, the Vlachs would also appear in the lowland areas, situatedfurther away from the mountains. The presence of Vlachs in the valley between theBükk Mountains and the Tisza River in the 15th c. is an example of this phenomenon.Economic solutions they applied, based on pastoralism, allowed them to populate theareas which were diffi cult to reach and to diversify the agricultural model of the village.The aim of the article is to examine the Vlachs’ presence between the Bükk Mountainsand the Tisza River in the 15th c., with a particular att ention paid to the reasons of their appearance in the region, the course, and the eff ects of their stay. Archive and printed documents from that period are the fundamental sources for his work. The research results indicate that the Vlachs’ sett lement in the examined area was the result of the king’s initiative, manifested in privileges, while their presence, although it faded away forwards the end of the 15th c., had an impact on the shape of the region’s economy.


Vlachs; Bükk Mountains; Tisza River; colonization; settlement; pastoralism

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17951/rh.2024.57.285-300
Date of publication: 2024-10-22 08:45:03
Date of submission: 2023-09-30 21:11:12


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