Picturing the National Leader: Frederick II, Otto von Bismarck, and Paul von Hindenburg in Illustrations for their Popular Biographies

Yuliia Kizyma


This study explores the ways in which illustrations for popular biographies of Germany’s leaders issued from the mid-19th to the early 20th century sought to shape their readers-viewers’ perceptions of these political figures. The Author examines this problem though comparing Adolph Menzel’s illustrations for History of Frederick the Great (1840) and Works of Frederick the Great (1843–1849) and Arthur Kampf’s drawings for Bismarck: A Picture of his Life and Work (1917) by Dietrich Schäfer and Hindenburg the German (1932) by Walter Bloem, largely influenced by Menzel’s work. This paper highlights the thematic and stylistic continuities between the three series as well as their ideological implications. It focuses on the schematisation, mythologisation, and sacralisation of the German leaders’ public images. The study also looks at the ways in which the combination of verbal and visual contents, characteristic of illustrated books, made them an effective tool in political discourse. Additionally, the Author demonstrates the influence of some prominent phenomena in the period’s visual culture (namely, the development of photography and the mass construction of large-scale sculptural monuments) on the genre.


representations of history; visual cultures; political myths; political iconography; book illustration; visual sources

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17951/rh.2024.57.1293-1325
Date of publication: 2024-10-22 08:46:27
Date of submission: 2023-10-23 15:23:16


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