Battle of Lesna in 1708

Bohdan Korol


This article focuses on the military activities of the Russian and Swedish sides during the campaign of 1708, the culminating moment of which can be called the Battle of Leśna. The strategies of the parties involved in the conflict and the plans of their commanders were described in detail. Much attention was also paid to the marches of the troops of both armies, because the way they moved in the field to some extent determined the location of the battle. The corps of Adam Lewenhaupt and Peter I were also presented separately, taking into account the numbers, tactics and fighting style of individual units. The key place in the article is occupied by the course of the Battle of Leśna itself, along with a description of its effects and its importance for the further course of the Third Northern War.


corps; army; army regiment; tsar; general; Adam Lewenhaupt; Peter I

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Date of publication: 2024-10-22 08:45:58
Date of submission: 2023-11-17 21:45:34


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