The prison system of the Polish Kingdom between insurrections (1831–1863). The organization and functioning of places of detention and living conditions of inmates

Sebastian Piątkowski


In the years 1831-1863 two tendencies clashed in the Polish Kingdom regarding the punishment of offenders sentenced by court judgements. First of them, referring to the solutions from France claimed that imprisonment should be a period of rehabilitation, allowing a prisoner to return to normal life. The second one, following the Russian patterns, proclaimed the prisons are actually unnecessary – a criminal should immediately be punished physically or eliminated from society by sending him into the distant regions of the Empire. Although administration of the Polish Kingdom tended to French patterns, it never had financial resources at its disposal that could allow to build a modern system of jails and prisons. Convicts were held in buildings not prepared for that purpose, having been fed, treated and transported using extreme savings. They were also provided with neither jobs nor education. As a result, the person taking the penalty often underwent depravation, regaining freedom in a much worse moral and physical condition than before judgment.


Polish Kingdom; prison system; prison

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Date of publication: 2016-04-27 12:13:19
Date of submission: 2016-04-27 11:18:30


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