Narses’ Italian Campaign

Mateusz Kozina


Narses’ Italian campaign was the last stage of the war between the Eastern Roman Empire and the Ostrogothic Kingdom. In 551, following over a decade of fighting with no resolution, Justinian the Great appointed the eunuch Narses commander of his forces. In early 552, Narses led the army along the Adriatic coast, reaching Ravenna and then moving towards Rome. At Taginae, he was stopped by an army of Goths led by king Totila. Narses’ victory was decisive, with the Gothic army destroyed, and Totila killed in battle. Narses was able to occupy Rome, and then moved south, defeating the remnants of Gothic forces at Mons Lactarius. It appeared that Italy would be regained soon, but a powerful Frankish army arrived from the north. After a year’s struggle, Narses was able to defeat Franks in the battle of the Volturno, allowing him to continue the conquest of Italy. Military activity ended in 561, when the last Gothic towns of Verona and Brescia surrendered.


Ostrogothic Kingdom, campaign, Narses, Italy, battle, Totila, army, Taginae, Mons Lactarius, Rome, Teia, Justinian the Great

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Date of publication: 2018-06-29 13:17:53
Date of submission: 2018-06-29 10:57:30


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