Gloss to the Decision of the Court of Appeal in Kraków of 29 September 2016 (II AKz 321/16) – Concerning the Procedure for Prosecuting Offences against Property When the Act Was Committed in Relation to Property of Significant Value (Article 294 § 1 of the Penal Code)

Piotr Poniatowski


The commented decision concerns an important in practice, and not wider discussed in the doctrine or jurisprudence, problem of the procedure for prosecuting crimes against property, when the act was committed in relation to property of significant value (Article 294 § 1 of the Penal Code). The author agrees with the view expressed by the Court of Appeal in Kraków, however, at the same time, he believes that the issue of the mode of prosecution of the crimes mentioned in Article 294 of the Penal Code should be clearly regulated by the legislator.


offences against property of significant value; offence of fraud; procedure for prosecuting

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Postanowienie SA w Krakowie z dnia 29 września 2016 r., II AKz 321/16, LEX nr 2123034;$N/152000000001006_II_AKz_000321_2016_Uz_2016-09-29_001 [dostęp: 20.02.2020].

Date of publication: 2020-06-30 09:44:53
Date of submission: 2020-01-16 12:29:12


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