A Few Remarks on Slaves and Criminal Law: Deliberations Based on D. 48, 2, 12, 4

Piotr Kołodko


The purpose of the article is to present the legal situation of a slave under Roman criminal law. The analysis conducted proves that the approach towards slaves changed along with the transformation of the government system of ancient Rome. In the Period of the Republic, criminal liability of slaves evolved in two directions. The dominica potestas was exercised by owners, as well as the collegial body – tresviri capitales. From the Principate period, Roman jurists were convinced that the legal status of a slave and a free person was identical under criminal law. The difference between these offenders was non-exercise of leges criminales with a penalty that would be inadequate for their legal status, or ruling and exercising of more severe penalties against slaves.


slave; Roman criminal law; leges criminales


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17951/sil.2020.29.5.117-131
Date of publication: 2020-12-31 13:57:44
Date of submission: 2020-02-03 12:11:00


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