Inconvenient Witnesses: Testimonies of Slaves in a Criminal Trial During the Republic and the Principate

Elżbieta Loska


In ancient Rome, slaves performed many different tasks. The fact that they often enjoyed the trust of their owners and knew their secrets made them very desirable witnesses in a criminal trial. The aim of the article is to show examples of situations in which the testimony of slaves in a criminal trial could be dangerous for their owners. Slaves were subject to obligatory torture, so they could reveal some secrets against their will. However, there was a ban on the use of slaves’ testimonies against their owners. Roman law, still, knew a few exceptions to this, in matters justified by the interests of Rome. The article shows also the changes made during the Principate, when the statutory law regulating this issue appeared.


Roman law; slaves; criminal trial


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Date of publication: 2021-03-31 14:40:28
Date of submission: 2020-02-06 19:06:51


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