Participation of the Polish Border Guard in Jurisdictary Fiscal Criminal Proceedings

Marta Roma Tużnik


This article is an attempt to approximate the participation of the Polish Border Guard as a non-financial body of preparatory proceedings in fiscal criminal court proceedings. First, the tasks and material property of the Border Guard were presented. Most space was devoted to considerations about the permissions of the Border Guard in jurisdictional proceedings in fiscal criminal proceedings, limiting them to cases of fiscal misdemeanours due to the fact that the Border Guard was granted the status of public prosecutor only in this category of cases. The study also discusses the issue of appeals against the Border Guard and its participation in the appeal hearing. The legal regulations regarding the powers of the Border Guard in court proceedings in cases of fiscal misdemeanours were also assessed, referring them to similar powers granted to financial organs of preparatory proceedings.


the Polish Border Guard; public prosecutor; fiscal misdemeanours; permissions; jurisdictional proceedings

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Date of publication: 2021-10-13 00:46:02
Date of submission: 2020-02-17 21:07:06


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