Polish and Estonian Regulations on Homeless (Stray) Animals

Emil Kruk


The article is of a scientific research nature and its main aim is to compare Polish and Estonian legal regulations on homeless (stray) animals and to evaluate them and formulate optimisation proposals. The analysis of national regulations was preceded by findings on how the issue in question is regulated in international law and EU law. The issue needs to be addressed due to the fact that the problem of the protection of homeless animals, despite the ever-increasing number of such animals, has been marginalised in all the legal orders discussed in this text. In any case, both in Poland and Estonia, their normative solutions are focused more on remedying the effects than on preventing the causes of the problem of homelessness of animals. Moreover, it is extremely rare that this issue becomes the subject of in-depth scientific analysis. Therefore, the intention is that the dissemination of previously unpublished research results will help develop an optimal model for the administrative-law protection of homeless animals and will raise the degree of public awareness of the legal protection of animals, which is one of the conditions for further progress in civilisation.


Poland; Estonia; law; protection of homeless animals; homeless animals; stray animals



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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17951/sil.2021.30.1.145-166
Date of publication: 2021-03-31 14:40:23
Date of submission: 2020-07-22 17:30:00


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