Performance of Statutory Obligations Despite the Lack of Issued Executive Regulations Regarding the Operation of Visual System for the Place of Waste Storage: Gloss to the Judgement of the Voivodeship Administrative Court in Bialystok of 9 June 2019 (II SA/Bk 16/20, CBOSA)

Ewa Katarzyna Czech


The Voivodeship Administrative Court in Bialystok, in its judgement of 9 June 2020, dismissing the complaint of the limited liability company in H., on the post-inspection orders of the Podlaskie Voivodeship Inspector for Environmental Protection in Bialystok of 6 November 2019, considered the necessity to fulfill the obligation under Article 25 para. 6a of the Act on Waste, i.e. the operation of a visual control system for the place of waste storage, in force, in the opinion of the Court, from February 2019, despite the lack of executive acts issued by the competent minister. Determining the requirements for the visual control system of the place of storage or storage of waste, the minimum requirements for the technical devices of the vision control system and the requirements for the storage and sharing of the recorded image, guided by the need to enable supervision over the activities in the field of waste management, was established pursuant to the provisions of the Regulation of 29 August 2019 which entered into force in December 2019. In the opinion of the Court, the provisions of the Act on Waste do not have to be met together with the provisions issued on the basis of the Regulation, as the standards of the implementing acts only supplement the general conditions resulting from the statutory provisions.


visual control system for the place of waste storage; waste; post-inspection order; statutory obligations; waste management; the Act on Waste

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Date of publication: 2021-03-31 14:40:49
Date of submission: 2020-10-16 13:08:40


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