Internal Acts in Self-Government Systemic Acts

Monika Chlipała


The subject of the article is the issue of internal acts issued by self-governing bodies on the basis of authorizations contained in the local government laws. The article is of a scientific and research nature. In the scope related to its area, it includes the analysis of the applicable normative material and jurisprudence of administrative courts. The article focuses on internal acts from self-governing bodies issued on the basis of authorizations under local government laws. Internal acts of law in administrative law occupy an important position, both as a category of sources of administrative law and when discussing legal forms of administration. The justification for taking up the issue of internal acts issued by self-governing bodies is the pursuit of a broader understanding of legislative activity that goes beyond the issue of the acts of local law. Internal acts in administrative law are often discussed from the perspective of acts originating from government administration bodies. This observation also justifies considering in the indicated area. The aim of the conducted research is to: find out about the legal nature of internal acts issued by self-governing bodies on the basis of authorizations contained in local government laws; presentation of legal regulations and jurisprudence of administrative courts, as well as postulates de lege ferenda on the admissibility of supervision measures against internal acts in the form of ordinances of the commune head (starost, voivodeship marshal); drawing attention to the impact of internal acts on external entities. The considerations presented in the article may be a contribution to a broader and in-depth scientific reflection on the specification of the category of internal acts originating from self-governing bodies within internal acts. The criterion for distinguishing such a group is not only the category of the entity, but the conclusions indicated in the article referring in particular to the non-uniform legal nature of self-government internal acts and the legitimacy of supervising and controlling each internal act.


internal acts; self-governing bodies; supervision measures; self-government systemic acts; administrative law



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Date of publication: 2022-09-28 19:31:10
Date of submission: 2021-02-10 15:57:37


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