Protection of Animals and Protection from Animals as Seen by Polish Law

Bartosz Rakoczy


The system of Polish law regulates both the protection of animals and the protection of humans from animals. Insofar as the first direction of regulations is strongly developed, popular, and fashionable and reflects the present-day trends in environmental protection law, the latter is not as popular. Both directions of the regulations show signs of axiological conflict. In the case of protection of animals, they are treated as a protected good, referring to their suffering, ability to feel, having emotions, etc. These circumstances do not only opt for covering animals by legal protection. Some people are even tempted to postulate the need for recognizing animals as subjects. However, the same animal that can suffer and feel and has emotions can pose a hazard to man – in certain extreme cases even a fatal one. Thus, animals are protected from humans, which is the right solution, but at the same time humans should be protected from animals. When exploring the issues of animal protection, it is worth remembering that such a second dimension exists.


protection of animals; protection from animals; environmental protection law; Polish law



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Act of 23 April 1964 – Civil Code (consolidated text, Journal of Laws 2020, item 1740).

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Date of publication: 2021-09-16 22:46:51
Date of submission: 2021-03-29 23:51:37


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