Activities of the Local Government During a State of Natural Disaster

Małgorzata Czuryk


As one of the states of exception, a state of a natural disaster often makes public administration, including local governments, take actions that restrict the sphere of human rights and civil liberties. One-person bodies are entrusted with being in charge in matters related to a state of natural disaster. Actions taken during a state of natural disaster to prevent or remove its effects are managed by the commune executive body when the state of a natural disaster was introduced only in the territory of the commune. However, if the state of a natural disaster was introduced in more than one commune in a district, then the starost is in charge of the operations. As a monocratic body is entrusted with executive powers, decisions can be taken faster and time is essential from the point of view of the effects of a natural disaster. Due to a formalized method of decision-taking, a collegial body may not respond adequately to a dynamically developing threat.


local government; state of natural disaster; state of exception; threat

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Date of publication: 2021-10-13 00:45:25
Date of submission: 2021-05-20 23:22:12


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