The Status of a Judicial Supervisor in Restructuring Proceedings

Ewelina Foryt


In restructuring proceedings, supervision over the debtor’s assets is exercised by a judicial supervisor, who performs duties of significant importance not only for the arrangement proceedings. The effects of the judicial supervisor’s actions have an impact not only on the manner and timing of satisfying the debtor’s creditors, but in certain situations may influence the possibility of even partial satisfaction of the creditors. Therefore, an important issue is to determine the powers and duties of the judicial supervisor and thus his character and legal position in the arrangement procedure. The subject of this article is the presentation of the above issues and an attempt to determine the role that has been assigned to it by the legislator in the arrangement procedure.


restructuring proceedings; judicial supervisor; creditor; arrangement proceedings



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Date of publication: 2023-06-27 10:36:48
Date of submission: 2022-05-08 14:03:54


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