Some Remarks on the Cassation Appeal in the Court Proceeding in Public Procurement Cases

Tomasz Demendecki


The study presents the general characteristics of the cassation appeal in public procurement cases. In this respect, the new statutory regulation – the Public Procurement Law of 2019 – significantly changed the nature of the legal remedy in question, providing for giving the legitimacy to bring the case for entities directly interested in resolving the case – the parties to the proceedings, in addition to the previously authorised President of the Public Procurement Office. As a result, the cassation appeal in public procurement cases finally has a chance to be included in the category of legal remedies. The article contains a broad description of the cassation appeal in public procurement cases, with particular stress put on the requirements for being effectively submitted. The study also refers to the very examination of an action regarding public procurement. The author presents the analyses in a methodological way.


cassation appeal; party to the proceeding; appeal requirements; public procurement; legal remedies

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Date of publication: 2022-12-28 17:33:03
Date of submission: 2022-10-18 18:35:30


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