Justice in Judicial Enforcement Law: Comments in the Context of the Decision-Making Model of the Law Application Process

Piotr Szczekocki


In the study, which is of a scientific and research nature, the following thesis is adopted: Justice is served in the process of law application but it materializes only at the moment of judgment execution. The article is aimed at answering the question about the understanding of justice in judicial enforcement proceedings (the last stage of the law application process). The subject has not been deeply discussed in the theory of law and, as a result, I believe it is essential to enquire whether the execution of judgment is still an element of justice, while it is a general truth that justice has already been served in the court (court judgment). The thesis presented is corroborated by the European Court of Human Rights decisions, as well as by the Polish Supreme Court case law. Similar conclusions find justification in the European acts of law. Debt repayment is not only a Polish problem, but a problem of many European countries. Certainly, in times of economic crisis and the worldwide problems of inflation, pandemic and wartime, it is more difficult to repay debts, but those simply do not disappear and enforcement is a solution reached for in search of justice.


justice; judicial enforcement law; decision-making model of the law application process; bailiff’s discretion; judgment execution

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17951/sil.2023.32.4.175-189
Date of publication: 2023-12-22 22:04:37
Date of submission: 2023-07-26 00:21:53


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