The Scope of Necessary Changes in the Provisions of the Criminal Procedure Code in the Context of Poland’s Accession to the European Public Prosecutor’s Office

Katarzyna Dudka


In December 2023, the Polish Minister of Justice issued a statement on Poland’s accession to the European Public Prosecutor’s Office (EPPO), seeing this as an opportunity to strengthen cooperation in criminal matters between the countries of the European Union. The European Commission confirmed Poland’s participation in the EPPO’s on February 2024. As a result, it was necessary to determine whether amendments to the Criminal Procedure Code were necessary in connection with the functioning of the European Public Prosecutor in the Polish legal system. The article presents proposals for the most important changes to be introduced into the Polish Criminal Procedure Code. These mainly concern the determination of material and territorial jurisdiction, jurisdictional disputes between the European Public Prosecutor and national prosecutors, and the validity of evidence taken abroad before a Polish court.


criminal procedure; European Public Prosecutor’s Office; amendments to the Criminal Procedure Code; jurisdiction of the court

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Date of publication: 2024-12-31 10:51:38
Date of submission: 2024-02-29 21:16:36


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