Ethical Etiology of Constitutionalism as an Expression of Security Culture

Krzysztof Drabik, Juliusz Piwowarski


The basis for the functioning of social groups are moral principles developed in the course of shaping the forms of interpersonal relations in collective life systems. Often, these ethical and moral principles took the form of unwritten law, although deeply rooted in individual and social consciousness, performing an adequate regulatory function in a given social system. The following thesis is worth justifying: Morality is a social phenomenon that constitutes the genesis of the phenomenon of law. Constitutionalism as a socio-cultural achievement is not an accidental creation, but rather the result of a centuries-old process of shaping culture, forms of social relations, customs, and, above all, security culture. Constitutionalism cannot be considered in isolation from the historical and cultural (moral) context. It should be assumed that this socio-cultural achievement, materialized in a juridical form, is the quintessence of the development (maturation) of the model of social relations incorporated into the structure of a democratic state. Therefore, according to the authors, it is difficult to falsify the thesis that the idea of constitutionalism and the institutions representing it constitute an important pillar of security culture.


law; constitutionalism; morality; ethics; code of ethics; security culture

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Date of publication: 2024-09-27 21:28:00
Date of submission: 2024-05-15 13:12:10


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