Mediation Functions Performed by Mediator during Mediation. Selected Problems

Marzena Myślińska


The subject of this article is the analysis of the activity undertaken during mediation in the context of the characteristics of the mediation process and the normative conditions of the legal relationship and disputes resolved through this form of ADR. In order to implement the project, the content of the work will contain a list of functions performed by the mediator during mediation as ‘the environment for performing the role’ (which is not closed due to the dynamics of interaction in the negotiations). Their character and content determine the nature of the social and professional role of mediators in the Polish legal order, it also allows us to illustrate in detail the key issues for reflection on the professional role, including, for example, legal liability and conflict of roles. Mediation functions are diversified in terms of the frequency of their implementation depending, among other things, on the strategy of conducting mediation, the specificity of the dispute and the legal regulation of mediation. The discussion of the last of the indicated differentiating factors (i.e. the impact of universally binding law) will be reflected in the content of the paper.


mediation; mediator; mediation function; decision-making process of mediation


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Date of publication: 2018-09-30 21:52:14
Date of submission: 2018-04-26 03:13:58


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