Awareness among the Students of Law within the Scope of Working as an Attorney-at-Law

Sławomir Pilipiec, Krzysztof Niewęgłowski, Patryk Patoleta


Over a number of years, students choose the job of an attorney-at-law as the most popular profession after they graduate. This trend is very often highlighted in the studies performed at universities by many independent entities. Widely recognised and available reports and articles confirm both popularity and a great interest in the profession of the attorney-at-law among the students of law, however, there is no information concerning the awareness of future graduates of law studies related, among others, to the preparation for and exercising the profession of the attorney-at-law. In order to answer the above issues, the authors conducted voluntary and anonymous studies among the students of law at the Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Maria Curie-Skłodowska in Lublin. The results provided a wider perspective of factors which influence the popularity of the profession of the attorney-at-law among the students as well as expectations and awareness connected with the profession.


social research; legal professions; attorney-at-law; sociology of law; students’ awareness


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Date of publication: 2019-10-08 15:09:20
Date of submission: 2019-06-27 10:55:30


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