Operational Control in the Information Technology System (Postulates de lege ferenda)

Jacek Kudła, Alfred Staszak


The article presents a proposal for changes in the regulations concerning broadly understood wiretapping. The dynamics of the development of crime using new technologies, in particular cybercrime, poses increasing challenges to the judiciary, law enforcement authorities and special services, which can only be met by introducing new legal solutions to enable the latest technological developments to be applied. At the same time, judicial case law imposes an obligation on the legislator to seek and create new legal solutions that would be able to reconcile the interests and rights of an individual with the common good. The question, therefore, arises whether a further revision of the rules is necessary in this regard, or whether a completely new approach is needed to look at the way of legal regulations concerning issues related to procedural and operational wiretapping. The article attempts to present this issue, taking into account, in particular, the changes in surveillance regulations due to the continuous and progressive development of the 5G network and the planning of the gradual implementation of the 6G network. In the authors’ opinion, the presented constructive comments de lege ferenda should be helpful in establishing a new law on operational control. The law that would comply with constitutionally guaranteed standards on civil rights while equipping the state and its law enforcement and special services with effective tools to combat new forms and manifestations of crime. The authors intend to present the issue of wiretapping – in the broad sense, against the background of modern technologies and new legal solutions, while respecting the principles of the Polish criminal trial and the expectations of practice in combating the most serious crimes effectively.


information technology system; cybercrime; operational control; surveillance regulations; civil rights; modern technologies; procedural and operational wiretapping



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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17951/sil.2021.30.2.263-284
Date of publication: 2021-06-30 23:18:59
Date of submission: 2020-10-30 01:45:58


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