The Development of Medical Law in the Field of Gynecology and the Relationship with Criminal Law: The Applicability of the Legal Framework of the Republic of Kosovo

Arif Riza, Alban Kryezi, Shukri Lecaj


Medical care and services in accordance with the rules and standards accepted by medical science are the moral and legal duty of the physician or any health worker. The set of legal norms as institutional mechanisms that regulate the rights and responsibilities of medical professionals and their patients is the main field of this research. The article aims to present the concept and importance of the research and development of medical law in the Republic of Kosovo. The purpose of the research is to make the connection between the provisions of medical law and the field of gynecology due to the violation of the rights of patients as well as the hesitation or lack of will in reporting such cases. The theoretical method was used for data collection, with which previous studies on medical law were consulted. The statistical method was used to present the number of induced abortions in the Department of Gynecology in Pristina. The interview method was used for the purpose of collecting data that refer to practical cases where physicians may have acted in violation of the law, as well as the presentation of those situations when, due to a serious health condition, they undertook medical actions without consulting with the patient or family members. The research indicates that the Criminal Code of the Republic of Kosovo has incorporated irresponsible medical treatment and failure to provide medical assistance as criminal offenses that are closely related to the exercise of professional medical duties and responsibilities. In the Republic of Kosovo, elective termination of pregnancy is allowed at the will of the woman who is of adult age, while termination of pregnancy with the motive of choosing the gender of the fetus is prohibited. Elective termination is permissible until the end of the tenth week of pregnancy.


Kosovo; Criminal Code; medical law; gynecology; patient

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Date of publication: 2023-09-29 15:54:23
Date of submission: 2023-01-17 19:21:47


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