Comments on the Implementation of the Sale of Goods Directive into the Polish Legal Order

Paweł Jurczyński


The purpose of the article is to examine the effects of the entry into force of the Act of 4 November 2022 amending the Consumer Rights Act, the Civil Code Act and the Private International Law Act, being a result of the implementation of the so-called Sale of Goods Directive. The author analyses the issue using the formal-dogmatic method, focusing on the impact of the changes introduced by the above-mentioned Act on the standard of consumer protection and the manner in which entrepreneurs conduct their business activities. Moreover, he identifies the most significant problems related to the implementation of the Sale of Goods Directive into the Polish legal order, drawing attention to the legal and economic consequences of the choices and solutions adopted by the Polish legislator. He also assesses both the content of the Act in question and the content of the Sale of Goods Directive, formulating de lege ferenda conclusions.


consumer protection; entrepreneur; Sale of Goods Directive; Polish legal order

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Date of publication: 2023-12-31 14:29:27
Date of submission: 2023-06-27 20:17:54


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