The Opportunities of Digitalisation in Public Administration with a Special Focus on the Use of Artificial Intelligence

András Bencsik


The study examines the issue of digitalisation of public administration. After outlining the theoretical foundations, an international framework for the creation of digital public administration is analyzed, followed by a discussion of its development in Hungary and its evaluation. In Hungary, the related legislation was initially introduced with the implementation of electronic administration, the anomalies of which were first noticeable with the introduction of electronic birth registration. In this context, the study discusses the possibilities of applying artificial intelligence (AI) in the public sector and reviews current and existing applications and good solutions, as well as possible development directions. The article describes the successes of AI applications in the financial sector and then goes on to discuss automated decision-making in more detail, as well as the planned legislative thinking on the subject.


public administration; artificial intelligence; digitalisation; legislation; electronic administration; financial sector

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Act LX of 2009 on Electronic Public Services.

Act I of 2010 on Civil Status Procedure.

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Date of publication: 2024-06-27 10:20:24
Date of submission: 2023-09-29 13:50:13


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