Analogical Reasoning in Precedential Law: the Rule, Competition, Seeking and Reasons for the Employment of Analogy

Maciej Koszowski


The article addresses some of the specific issues that concern reasoning by analogy in the context of precedential law. It specifically touches on such questions as the necessity of the mediation of a general rule (norm) in an analogical pattern of inference, ways of resolving conflicts between competing analogies, the process of searching for potential analogies as well as the reasons for applying judicial precedents in concrete instances by recourse to analogy. The latter is done against the background of the merits and demerits of the so-called rule-based model of judicial precedent and its core notion: ratio decidendi. All the aforementioned issues have been analysed from the perspective of two basic approaches to analogical reasoning in precedential law – i.e. the factual and rational model of legal analogy, which have been described in the previous article. The analyses take into account the stances and opinions of leading past and contemporary logicians, philosophers and legal theorists mainly, but not exclusively, from Anglo-Saxon countries. 


analogy; analogical; reasoning; inference; argument; a simile; rule; norm; competition; competing; seek; searching for; reasons; justification; merits; demerits; precedent; judicial law; legal applying

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Date of publication: 2016-02-08 13:03:44
Date of submission: 2015-05-16 17:45:46


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