The Europeanisation of National Legal Goods? Comments on the Margin of Supreme Court’s Judgment of 29 March 2011 (III KK 365/10)

Adam Górski, Ariel Falkiewicz


The issue of crimes with (prima facie) strictly national character is one of the most controversial in the relevant literature. It can be dealt with on two levels: procedural (international cooperation in criminal matters) and substantive (jurisdictional). This second level was touched upon in the case of the judgment of the Supreme Court of 29 March 2011 (III KK 365/10), in which it was recognised that the so-called internationalisation of criminal law enforcement must be connected to universalisation of legal goods. The authors argue both with the judgment itself and with the arguments that justify such a universal approach in the opinion of the Supreme Court.


false statements; crimes committed abroad; national legal goods

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Date of publication: 2017-12-08 21:13:39
Date of submission: 2017-10-13 17:41:06


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