Age Limits in the Service of the Roman Army – lex Aelia Sentia and lex Visellia

Wojciech J. Kosior


In ancient Rome at the beginning of the first century A.D., a number of reforms in the field of personal rights were carried out. At that time, the lex Aelia Sentia was passed, which limited the liberation of slaves. During this period, lex Visellia also was passed, which tempted former slaves with Roman citizenship in exchange for serving in the army. The purpose of this article was an attempt to determine whether it can be said that the title acts, i.e. lex Aelia Sentia and lex Visellia, have a common goal and, in fact, part of their records together created one legal concept that was to ensure easy access of recruits to the newly formed paramilitary organisation militia vigilum, to which, after the civil war and general recruitment crisis in the army, there were no volunteers.


lex Aelia Sentia; lex Visellia; vigiles; Latini iuniani


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Date of publication: 2019-12-21 14:52:18
Date of submission: 2019-01-30 20:55:05


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