The Legal Basis for Protection against Road Traffic Noise (with Particular Emphasis on the Preparation and Implementation of Road Project and the Stage of Road Operation)

Piotr Poniatowski


The article discusses the regulations under which information on the state of the environment is collected, which can be used at the stage of planning, designing, constructing and operating roads (state environmental monitoring, programmes of environment protection against noise, strategic noise maps). It also addresses the issue of protection against road traffic noise at the stage of road design, construction and alteration, as well as at the stage of road operation. It also identifies environmental protection authorities that play an important role in the context of supervising compliance with noise protection regulations, and briefly discusses the legal remedies available to people exposed to excessive road traffic noise.


road traffic noise; protection against road traffic noise; legal basis for protection against noise; road project

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Date of publication: 2024-06-27 10:20:49
Date of submission: 2021-01-06 16:31:49


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