Supplementary Order as a Polish Provincial Governor’s Special Type of Supervision

Kacper Rożek


This article refers to the issue of legal regulations concerning one of the distinctive instruments of supervising local self-government, namely a supplementary order issued by the provincial governor. The discourse turned out to be a comparative analysis, through which the novelty of this legal regulation can be seen with more ease. The supplementary order became the embodiment of the possibility of supervision carried out over the activity of the local self-government, which is supposed to lead to such a state that is in accordance with law in force. On the basis of the previously valid Commune Self-Government Act, the tool was described as ultima ratio of the control conducted by particular organs. Moreover, the subject of that control was rather strongly limited. Nowadays, the supplementary order is used to replace the particular acts in case of the inactivity of organs that are, according to the law, supposed to issue them. The problem that seems to be highly disputable in literature and judicature is the procedure of issuing the supplementary order, as well as the aim of the notification to the Secretary of Public Administration. The present legal regulation of the supplementary order is much more consistent and developed. However, it is said not to be much elaborated. All in all, the discussed means of supervision will stay the subject of legal disputes and interpretation.


supplementary order; supervision; local self-government; provincial governor; public administration

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Date of publication: 2017-06-16 15:31:02
Date of submission: 2016-10-14 19:22:31


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