Photographic works in copyright regulations from the times of the Second Polish Republic to the present. Comparative legal analysis

Łukasz Pers


The subject of this article is the analysis of copyright regulations regarding photographic works, with a consideration of the historical basis. The first act regulating the legal situation of photography was the Act of 29 March 1926 on Copyright. In the accordance with the provisions of the Act, photographic works could be the subject of copyright law, nevertheless the creation of rights was dependent on the fulfillment of a number of formal conditions, in particular placing copyright notice. The next Act of 10 July 1952 on Copyright did not bring many changes in this respect, still significantly limiting the scope of copyright protection granted to photographic works. On the other hand, currently binding Act of February 4, 1994 on Copyright and Related Rights, abandoned most solutions that limited the scope of copyright protection granted to photographic works. After analyzing the most important regulations within the subsequent copyright laws, the author evaluates the changes that occurred in the copyright regulations regarding photographic works in the 20th century.


photographic works, copyright notice, copyright law, history of law

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Date of publication: 2019-07-11 08:57:25
Date of submission: 2018-07-31 20:56:20


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